Typography / Final Compilation & Reflection

29.03.2021 - 04.07.2021 (Week 1 - Week 14)
Wong Wan Jun (0338248)
Bachelor of Computer Science (School of Computer Science and Engineering)(Minor)
Typography / Final Compilation & Reflection


Exercises: Type Expression & Text Formatting
Task 2: Typographic Exploration & Communication
Task 3A: Type Design & Communication
Task 3B: Type Design & Communication 


Exercises: Type Expression & Text Formatting
29.03.2021 - 02.05.2021 (Week 1 - Week 5)
Fig 1.0: Final Type Expression (JPG), 14th April 2021

                                     Fig 1.1: Final Type Expression (PDF), 14th April 2021

Fig 1.2: Final Type Animation, 23th April 2021

                                   Fig 1.3: Final Text Formatting (PDF), 29th April 2021

Task 2 : Typographic Exploration & Communication
03.05.2021 - 06.06.2021 (Week 6 - Week 7)

Fig2.0:  Final Task 2 (JPG) , 15th May 2021

Fig2.1:  Final Task 2 (PDF) , 15th May 2021

Task3A: Type Design & Communication
25.05.2021 - 11.06.2021 (Week 9 - Week 11)

Fig3.1.0 : Sketches of Type Design, 20th May 2021 

Fig 3.1.1: Final Font Design (JPG), 5th June 2021

Fig 3.1.2: Final Font Poster(JPG), 5th June 2021

                                        Fig 3.1.2: Final Font Design (PDF), 5th June 2021

                                    Fig 3.1.3: Final Font Poster(PDF), 5th June 2021
Font Download 

Task3B: Type Design & Communication
07.06.2021 - 26.06.2021 (Week 11 - Week 13)

Fig 3.2.0: Final B&W version (PNG), 22th June 2021

Fig3.2.1: Final coloured version (PNG), 22th June 2021

Fig3.2.2: Sending sticker on Telegram, 20th June 2021

                                      Fig3.2.3: Final coloured version (PDF), 22th June 2021



This module is quite challenging and require a lot of effort. To be honest, I did not expect to be struggled and encountered so many tasks for this minor subject, but lessons and knowledge that I gained was worth :D. Keeping e-portfolio up-to-date was not an easy task and I have never tried it before but it really does help to record all the process and see how far I've come. Before taking this module, I thought typography is quite simple as we just need to simply design font.  I have a basic understanding on typography after this module and enjoyed the idea exploring process in every task. Understanding typography is essential for every designer to come out with a satisfying artwork. It is important in developing ourself on evaluation skills, rather than waiting others. Always seeking advices from others without own thinking and exploring is not a good idea as we will be relying on others. I appreciate what I learnt in this 14 weeks, it was a short but fulfilling period. 


I have gained so much in this 14weeks, from how to express a word meaning typographically, until creating typographic stickers. It was a brand new experience for me and I never try that in my major subject. Definitely, it will influence me as now I tend to observe every font that I found in magazine and newspaper. Kerning and tracking, line spacing, I even count line length on newspaper :D. (I know it may be silly) Besides, what I always remember is 'less is more', I should express my idea by using minimal graphic element in typography. Always focus in readability, attractiveness and communication formed in artwork. Typography requires patience, passion and effort in exploring ideas and ways to express a word typographically to make texts are more pleasant to read, to create uniqueness in a new font, to make use of minimal graphical elements in typography.


After completing so many tasks in this module, I really admire all designers as they come out a satisfying artwork after so many attempts and exploration. In my opinion, the outline of this module and teachings are well designed as every tasks given has its very own specific skills and lessons that require us to learn. I have improved my skills in adobe illustrator, indesign and font lab, especially font lab, I will never contact with this application if I did not take this module. Besides, I found details really make a huge different in overall artwork. Even a little change in consistency of a font, it changes the readability. I also realised that there is no perfect work, every work will always have improvements space and we should try our best to create satisfied artwork within a short deadline. 


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