Typography / Task2

03.05.2021 - 06.06.2021 (Week 6 - Week 7)
Wong Wan Jun (0338248)
Bachelor of Computer Science (School of Computer Science and Engineering)(Minor)
Typography / Task 2  


Fig 1.1: Type Properties, 5th May 2021

Week 6: Understanding

Uppercase Letter Forms

  • may appear symmetrical.
  • actually not in closer inspection. 

    Strokes / Serifs 

  • are made with some mild differences in order to create optical illusion and make them visually look equal weight.

Subtle differences

  • made a huge impact in readability and the appearance of a letter form.

REMINDER when designing you own font:

  • NOT changing all the features of the letter form
    • it will only lead to decorative fonts that is over-sophisticated. 
  • Simplify the characteristics within the strokes of the letters and replicate the unique feature consistently in all the letter forms.
  • Analyse an existing typeface, examine the treatment of a particular letter ('s' and 'g') in different typefaces
Maintaining x-height

Curved stroke such as 's' MUST always 
rise above median line and sink below baseline in order to appear same size as vertical and horizontal strokes they adjoin.
Letters such as 'o' and 's' have lesser real estate touching the median and baseline, therefore they appear smaller. To compensate for that, optical adjustment has to be done.

Contrast is the most powerful principle in design.

Week 7: Screen & Print

The more senses used the more holistic the development is during learning.
Print cannot be replaced easily by screen

  • touch and feel is a huge part of the learning process. 

Good typefaces for print are Caslon, Garamound and Baskerville. these typefaces are elegant, intellectual and highly readable when set at small font size. Their neutrality and versatility makes typesetting with them easy.

Typefaces that are intended for screen are optimised and modified to enhance the readability and performance onscreen. Verdana and Georgia are good examples of typeface designed for screen. ***DO NOT use them on paper!!! There is no clear-cut rules in typography and most of the time it's subject to the sensibility of the designer.


A word, phrase or image that can be clicked on to jump to a new document or new section. Normally blue and underlined by default. 

Font size for screens

Text printed on books are usually set at 10 pt because we read them pretty close. If we were to read them at arm's length, we'd want it at least 12 pt which is equivalent to 16 pix onscreen.

Typography is fundamental in every design discipline. Hence, having a good sense of typography will go a long long way. 


<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oQcpKqngmynJzprkNH7o5BXnIQWQlL9U/preview" width="640" height="480"></iframe>



On this assignment, we have to design an editorial text using one of the texts given. Before starting, I read the module information to understand the expected outcome of this project and watched the prerecorded tutorial video. After that I read through the given texts to pick the one I like the most. 
I have chosen the "BE GOOD DO GOOD FOLLOW THE CODE". After received feedback from Mr.Vinod & Mr.Shamsul, I decided to go with bottom-right design. I am a firm believer of "less is more". Therefore, I want to make a simple layout for this task.

Fig2.1: Ideas sketches, 5th May 2021

Fig2.2: Text expression after feedback, 10th May 2021

Fig2.3: Progression of text formatting, 10th May 2021

Fig2.4: Design finalized , 15th May 2021

<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zjm3F6msrOmtUHmecygoz35LuPczvckO/preview" width="640" height="480"></iframe>


Week 6:
Mr Vinod and friends like my fourth design.The word ‘code’ is well crafted and ‘good’ of first design match the expression but can be improve by not adding so many graphic element.

Week 7:

No feedback received.


The work is meticulous as we have to align every text. I have realized that a little detail can make a huge difference. Be as meticulous as possible will never go wrong. Implements guidelines to ensure that the texts are always cross-aligned. 


Typography : Form and Communication by Ben Day, Philip B. Meggs, and Rob Carter
Fig3.1: Creative Anarchy: How to break the rules of Graphic Design for Creative Success, 12 May 2021

Typography communicates beyond the words it spells. It evokes a feeling from and connects with the viewers through the letters' aesthetics. The right way to pick a font that speaks your message with feeling is to educate yourself in the who, why and what-for of typography and letterforms. Transitional typefaces serve as a transition between Old Style and Modern lettering. The main differences between transitional and modern typeface are the presence of brackets and the contrast between main and hairline strokes. Design is in the details. Finessing the details means you take time to polish your design 100 percent. Attention to detail is the difference between a good designer and a spectacular one.


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