Illustration & Visual Narrative // Project 3

24.05.2021 - 05.07.2021 (Week 9 - Week 15)

Wong Wan Jun (0338248)

Bachelor of Computer Science (School of Computer Science and Engineering)(Minor)
Illustration & Visual Narrative // Project 3


Week 9: 3 Acts Structure

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Week 10: Transitions! - Making Comics

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  • give instruction to moment to moment 
  • to indicate private moment of character
  • always involve 1 character
  • big gestures/movement action. 
  • same scene but jump from 1 subject to another subject.
  • jumps from 1 scene to another scene.
  • change of scenario environment setting.
  • change of camera angle.
Rolling Transition
  • complex scene.
  • require attention of audience.
  • emphasize of layout and visual hierarchy is important.
  • relevant to information design.
Non Sequitur
  • very abstract in a way.
  • readability is important.
*try to use visual metaphor in comics.


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Project 3 & Final Project - Webtoon & Motion Comic

In this project, we need to come out with a comics that give a good feeling by using 3-acts structure. I don't have any idea at first, then I was inspired by a movie that I watched before, it was about a dog reborn three times to find back his old owner. At first life, his owner is just a boy and become an old man on dog's fourth life. I get touched from that movie and try to come out with story related to pet dog. 

Draft Storyline

Act 1 (Setup): 

There was a stray dog, Lambo with a power of mind reading. Everyday, he lived in a dark valley and often hunted for food on the street. Many people passed by and disliked his presence. 

Act 2 (Conflict): 

One day, a boy, Andrew passed by and decided to bring him home. He was very fond of Lambo and enjoyed his life with him. Time flies, Thomas decides to have a new dog as Lambo has not much time left. Andrew disagrees with the decision of his father to abandon Lambo. But with mind reading, Lambo did not wish Andrew to blame his father, he then decided to escape from home. Soon, he died in the dark valley that he used to be.

Act 3 (Resolution): 

After that, he rebirth as a new dog with the memories before he died but without the power of mind reading. He then continued to live his old life as a stray dog. One day, when he was hunting for food on the street, a familiar face passed by. He then decided to follow that guy all the way. When that guy reached his destination, Lambo realized that it was the home of his previous life owner. Andrew found out that the dog following him was acting similar to Lambo. Until finally, Andrew decided to keep him.


Act 1 (Setup): 

There was a stray dog, Lambo. He lived in dark valley and often hunted for food on the street. Everyone disliked his presence.

Act 2 (Conflict): 

One day, a boy, Andrew passed by and decided to bring him home. He was very fond of Lambo and enjoyed his life with him. Time flies, Thomas, Andrew's dad, decides to have a new dog as Lambo has not much time left. Andrew disagrees with the decision of his father to abandon Lambo. But Lambo did not wish Andrew to blame his father, he then decided to escape from home.

Act 3 (Resolution):  
One day, Andrew decided to visit pet shop, he found out there was a dog with birthmark that is similar to Lambo...


Before start sketching, I did some reference on dog gestures from website. It was my very first time using a drawing tablet, and I tried to sketch out the boy and dog.

Ben Chue - gesture drawings/animal studies
Fig1.1: Dog gestures reference
Fig1.2: Process of sketching boy

Fig1.3: Draft

Comics Draft

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After complete my draft, I search for some colour palette for my comics. After research, I would like to implement complementary colour in costume of character in order to draw the audience's eye.

Fig 1.4: Colour palette reference

Fig 1.5: Complementary colour


Fig1.6    : Colour attempt


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For motion comics, I did some simple animation and try to add some comfort background music to ensure it will not be too boring. Below are some process of After Effect. 

                                                            Fig1.7: Process of After Effects


Ms Anis provided feedback to my story. Power of mind reading may be neglected, it is good enough to show close relationship between boy and dog. 


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