Design Principles_Project 2

12.10.2021 - 29.10.2021(Week 8 - Week10 )

Wong Wan Jun (0338248)

Bachelor of Computer Science (School of Computer Science and Engineering)(Minor)
Design Principles // Project 2

This week is our e-learning week, we are given a pre-recorded lecture to gain more understanding on this project. Sense of Place is all about the importance of observation. In the simplest description, a designer's role is to solve problems with effective visual communication. Observation is important for designer as they should be attentive to their surroundings, pay attention and analytical to the details.

Sense of Place

  • Think about the place you're in now, or a place you had spent some time at previously, or a place that had created a lasting memory in you. 
  • How do you express your sense of that place?
  • Start by documenting your observations - photographs, diary, talking to relevant people, etc.

Visual Research
For this project, I would like to focus on some places that created lasting memories in me. The first place I choose is somewhere opposite of my high school. It is been there for a long time and it is quite special for me. Whenever I felt stressed and tired, watching sky and sea makes me happier. It reminds me a wonderful time in secondary school. 
Fig1.0: View from Foon Yew
The second place I have chosen is Cameron Highlands, I went there with my family and took this photo. It was a last trip that I went with my grandfather. Thus, it was memorable for me. The air in Cameron Highland is really fresh and it is quite different with city view. 
Fig1.1: Cameron Highlands
The last place I choose is Lover Bridge in Batu Pahat. I actually like sea a lot although it seems dangerous. It brings me a feeling of calm and deep and I like the visual effects of sun and sea, it looks like a road. 
Fig1.2: View from Lover Bridge
Idea Exploration
I would like to include both Figure 1.1 and 1.2 in my sense of place as I travel these places with my family. My initial idea for sense of place is just redraw it and add more people to my composition. Thinking if I can add my family inside the composition. 

Fig2.0: Sketch for Sense of Place

Fig2.1: Progress of Sense of place

Fig2.2: Draft 1 

After received feedback from Ms Jinchi, she suggested me to add the photo of myself and my family to the composition. I never think about the combination of real photo and what I draw, it was quite new experience for me, and I start to find any photo related. However, I don't have any suitable family photo as all photos we took is half-body :( Thus, I choose a photo of myself and start to edit it. 
Fig2.4: Adding myself in Project 2

Colour correction is important for collage work. I try to adjust colour of photo and add some shadow to it. I think it looks much better after I done colour correction. 

Fig2.5: Sense of Place

Ms Jinchi commented my draft that I just redrawing the place. She suggested me to add some related photo so that it looks more unique. 

I actually like what I did, except for the photo chosen. I really want to add some photo of my family. However, it does not suit for this composition. This project reminds me wonderful memories and times that I spent it with my lovely family. This is the last trip that I went with my grandfather, although he passed away, he will stay in my heart forever, just like the sunshine in my project. 

PDF Version (Project 2)


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