Video and Sound Production / Final Project

25.08.2021 - 28.11.2021 (Week 1 - Week 14)

Wong Wan Jun (0338248)

Bachelor of Computer Science (School of Computer Science and Engineering)(Minor)
Video and Sound Production // Final Project


Week 1: Video Inspirations (25.08.2021)

I have watched stop-motion shorts before, but never observed in details. I enjoyed and wondered how they shoot whenever I saw a great shorts. For this week task, I will need to shortlist 3 of them and share my thoughts. 

The first videos I have chose is a clay-motion videos. It was about a lonely snowman builds himself a friend, but their friendship is not lasting forever as summer is coming after winter :( This videos involves playdough-like sculptures. Although it was short, it does convey the emotions.

This video is about a knitted toy dinosaur that must completely unravel itself to save another knitted toy fox. It was one of the impressive and remarkably crafted stop motion video. It was executed with models in small spaces but is on different scale entirely.

3. The Coin

Another video I watched is The Coin, it was about a girl loses her jar of lucky coin during her journey to a new place. At the end, she found it inside her stomach. I choose this video because it manages to pack a lot in a tight run-time. For instance, her family background, cultural traditions, personal insight and some emotions. The facial expressions of girl was added with hand-drawn animation, it does amplifies reactions and emotions. 

Week 8: Final Project Proposal (14.10.2021)

This week, we have to come out with idea for our final project. The theme is set to relate on social issues. I have brainstorming and come out with an idea related to air pollution. 

Project Proposal Draft

Ms Martin has suggested me to make some amendment on my proposal. He mentioned that the idea of making clay follow the character may be change to the clay flow on the character's head in order to make it more reasonable (as this is related to air pollution). Besides, he mentioned that I could use paper cut as it works easier. 

I have started my trial shoot in campus, using my phone and tripod provided in photo studio. At first, I was hesitated to decide the stop motion type, whether I should go with lego/clay or paper. Mr Martin suggested me to try lego but he do mentioned paper cut is more easier. I would like to challenge myself, thus, I decided to go with lego. If I decided to go with lego, I should find material that capable to sustain the 'flowing' clay. I tried to use transparent thread to sustain the clay, but I found that the visual effect of stick is better than thread. 

After trial shoot, I think the clay should be bigger and changed its shape like cloud. Also, I should shoot more photos between each action so the videos will be longer and it won't make viewer felt that it moved too fast. 

After I done my shooting, I tried to edit the stick to make it invisible. I used the function 'spot healing brush tool' in Adobe Photoshop to get rid of the stick. It works in some of the photos. 

Fig1.0: Process of Editing Stick

However, 'spot healing brush tool'  does not work well sometimes. So I tried 'patch tool' but it looks blur in the part that I want to edit with. Then, I tried 'clone stamp tool'. By using three of them, I still not able to make it undiscoverable. I tried to do my best but it still looks weird in final outcome. 


It was a fun to produce a stop motion video. It is been a long time since I played lego and clay. Through this project, I found a chance to play it again. I found that it was not easy to produce a stop motion video as it require a lot of edit, and attention when shooting each photo. Stop motion with lego requires a lot of patience as I should moved it little by little, this is what I learnt from my trial shoot. I felt the whole process is quite rushed and unsatisfied to the outcome, I think that I could do it better than what I have now. I can't imagine that how much effort that lego-stop motion producer have put in their work. In short, it was an enjoyable experience and I learnt a lot from this module. This will be the last design module that I enrol in my degree, hopefully I will be in touch with editing videos. 


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