Video and Sound Production / Exercises


25.08.2021 - . .2021 (Week 1 - Week )

Wong Wan Jun (0338248)

Bachelor of Computer Science (School of Computer Science and Engineering)(Minor)
Video and Sound Production // Exercises


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Week 1: Introduction (25.08.2021)

In the first class, our lecturer, Mr Martin have briefed and prepared power point slides for us to understand more on this module. From his introduction, we knew that we need some extra equipment such as tripod and earphones to complete assignments and tasks given. After briefing session, Mr Martin assigned two exercises for us to familiar with Premiere Pro. He lead us step by step on how to implement this application. Also, we were given some times to do it during class. As there were two exercises assigned, we did one together in class, and another as homework. Other than this exercise, we need to watch a bunch of Zach King videos, who is well-known as making magic tricks videos, and also stop-motions shorts. 

Tasks :

1. Exercises//Complete exercises 1&2 (Mints & Doritos), post it on blog.
2. Project2//Watch Zach King videos, choose 3 and post it on blog.
3. Final Project//Watch stop-motion shorts, shortlist 3 of them, share thoughts (style, art directions, character design etc.) and post it on blog.
4. Order entry level tripod (with led ring light and remote).
5. Purchase audio monitor headphones.

Week 2: Framing & Storyboard (01.09.2021)

Week 3: Storytelling in Film - Part A(08.09.2021)

Week 4: Storytelling in Film - Part B& Film Sound(15.09.2021)
Storytelling in Film - Part B
Film Sound

Week 5: Storyboarding (22.09.2021)


Week 1:

We were assigned two exercises in class, a set of clips from advertisement (Mints and Doritos) were given and we need to combine them together by using Premiere Pro. It was my first time using this application and I afraid that I will not be able to follow up the tutorial. However, Mr Martin guided us patiently so that we managed to understand every setting of this application. 

The first exercise was given in order and we just need to combine it straightly. It was helpful for us to familiar with this application. 
Fig1.0: Arranging Mints Footage

Second exercise was not in correct order and we need to watch every clips carefully so that we can rearrange it in correct order. 

Fig1.1: Arranging Doritos Footage

Week 2:

For second week's first exercise, we need to do a shooting exercise that apply what we have learnt in lecture class. The exercise contains 5 seconds different types of shots, edit it with caption of mentioning shot size by using Premiere Pro. The main objectives is practise good composition. Types of shots included:

        1.     Low angle Wide shot
        2.     Frontal MCU (soft  background)
        3.     Frontal MS (soft  background)
        4.     Extreme Close-Up shot
        5.     Side angle MS (soft  background)
        6.     ¾ angling MCU shot (with blurry/soft  foreground)
        7.     Close-Up shot   
        8.     Eye-Level Medium-Wide shot

Fig2.0: Adding Caption

Fig2.1: Adding BGM

For second exercise, we were provided 12 shots and storyboard of 'My name is Lalin' and we will need to trim the videos by creating IN and OUT points. This exercise required to switch the mode in Premier Pro from "Assembly" to "Editing", using multiple video track and transition. Editing mode will have two monitor, left is for source shots while right for shots arranged. 


Fig 2.2: Adding Cross Dissolve Effect

Week 3:

Ex01: Shooting Exercise

This week, we are going to shot a dancing video as an exercise. The video is expected to be under 30seconds and need to be included at least 7 shots which are:
Wide Shot - high angle 
3 single full body shots - Eye level 
Medium Shot - Eye level 
Medium Close-up Shot - Eye level
Close-up Shot - Eye level 
Extreme Close-up Shot - Eye level 
Wide Shot - Low angle 

Fig3.0: Repositioning videos

Week 4:


Before the class, I was afraid that this course is too hard for me as I did not have any knowledge on video editing. The first class really helps me to get through this module. Mr Martin taught us patiently and give us explanation in details. I have learnt some basic function of Premiere Pro and did the scene arrangement exercises in week 1. 

Second class was about introduction of different shot sizes. I realise that shots can be classify by the way of framing. After shooting exercise, I am getting more familiar with them (but I did not know that my face could be round like that :D). The process of shooting myself is fun and I learnt how to add caption and background music in Premiere Pro. Through Lalin exercise, I learnt how to trim videos by adding in (i)& out (o) point and adding transition effects.


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