Digital Photography & Imaging_Week10 - Week 14

Week 10 - Week 14 ( 31.05.2021 - 28.06.2021 )

Wong Wan Jun (0338248)
Bachelor of Computer Science (School of Computer Science and Engineering)(Minor)
Digital Photography & Imaging // Project 4 


Week 10: Digital Photography 

1. Lecture Slides

<iframe src="" width="640" height="480"></iframe>

Week 11: Double Exposure

1. Lecture Slides

<iframe src="" width="640" height="480"></iframe>

Week 12: Digital Surrealism

1. Lecture Slides

<iframe src="" width="640" height="480"></iframe>


Project 4: Self-Titled

Self-titled is an exploration project for the students to express their own individuality and reflect their personality into digital art self-expressionThe main idea is to build up self-confidence and discover their interest. 
Week 10: Idea Development Biography:
Tell us about yourself.

I am a student from Bachelor of Computer Science and taking Creative Media Design as minor. I would sum myself as saying that I am a person with mild nature but nervous and timid when facing to many people. I love chinese traditional music and even participated chinese orchestra to understand more about it.

What is your passion?

I have joined chinese orchestra and having fun with chinese musical instruments since 2013. It has been 8 years and I take part in many  musical concerts. I enjoy every moment with my orchestra and appreciate all the memories create with them. Hopefully I will be passionate about it forever.

What’s motivate you to achieve your dream?

Nowadays, there are few people understand about chinese traditional music. Some people refuse to understand more about it as chinese traditional music left a ‘noisy’ impression to them. Therefore, I would like to share it to my family, friends, and even more people in the future.

How do you want to visualize your dream into an artwork?

I would like to put some musical elements in my artwork with addition of some elements that can represent my characteristic.
Design Statement: Tell us about your work.

On this digital artwork, I want to visualize the positive mindset and inspire other people to try out something interested.

What is the concept behind it?

In nowadays globalization, people are mostly focus on work and forgot to enjoy their life. Hectic life makes them feels anxious and always strives to seek for more. They need to cope with a lot of pressure and usually forgot to pick up something interested as hobby. Having hobby allows people to take a break in life and it makes life become better.

What is the message you want people to understand it?

It was nothing wrong about wanting more in your life, but with moderate rest. Hectic life is not good for either mental or physical health. Try out something new and make that as a hobby may make our life become more happier.

What is your motto / quote?

‘Don’t exist. Live.’ --Brian Krans

‘Do anything, let it produce joy.’ --Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass

‘Enjoy life. There is plenty time to be dead.’-- Hans Christian Andersen

Week 11: Design Direction

                                                           Fig1.0: Sketch of poster  

Fig1.1: Photo from album

Fig 1.2: Photo of me
For my poster, I tried to use double exposure of two photo of me and
I was trying to add the photo from album to my composition, but it still looks too dark after edited.
                                                             Fig1.2: Poster draft   

Mr Fauzi commented base on my first design as the tone of overall are dull and suggested to edit bird become brighter and change quote used as it may bring a meaning of depression. 

Week 12: Execution & Post Production

After received feedback, I was trying to redo the composition. Looking through my album, I found the photo of chinese flute taken few years ago. To replace the bird, I use butterfly and it seems more beautiful. Without changing photo of me, I come out with a new composition. 

Fig1.3: Photo of Chinese Flute

Fig1.5: Third attempt of Digital Poster

Week 13: Animation & Finishing
For my animation, I use puppet tool to make leaf and flower move, but I still feel there can be more animation on my composition. It was my first time using puppet tool, it was interesting and I realise it will be a major movement if I only add few points. 
                             First attempt:

Mr Fauzi suggested me to add some fade in and out effect on me in composition and make the cloud moving, it will be more interesting. 

                           Second attempt:

Week 14: Submission

Final submission:

The poster is aim to indicate people to enjoy their life. Flowers and butterfly mean healthy mental and relaxing mood. The video is aim to indicate people to enjoy their life. I animate flowers move slowly to bring a ease mood and choose a soft audio for it. Life is short, try out something new and make it as a hobby may make our life become more happier. Life is not only work, have fun too! 

Fig1.6: Final Poster


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