Digital Photography & Imaging_Week 6

Week6 (03.05.2021 - 09-05-2021 )

Wong Wan Jun (0338248)
Bachelor of Computer Science (School of Computer Science and Engineering)(Minor)
Digital Photography & Imaging // Project 2A:Ex02_Part1


Week 6: 
Poster Design Execution

1.Lecture Slides
<iframe src="" width="640" height="480"></iframe>

We were briefed on detail for our Public Service Announcement poster project. We should do research and refer to some sample poster to create a moodboard. This could help us on defining our design style and choice of color. After compiling information, we should write a summary of introduction and content based on our topics in the template provided so that we can proceed and developing our project.



This week, we learned how to recolour a black and white photo. By utilizing brush tool in Photoshop, we start from recolour the skin to hair, follow to eyes and coat. Blending modes and masks are essential in this tasks.

Fig 2.1: B&W Photo Given

Fig 2.2: Process of Recoloring

Fig 2.3: Recolored B&W Photo


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