Illustration & Visual Narrative // Exercises

29.03.2021 - 02.05.2021 (Week 1 - Week 5)

Wong Wan Jun (0338248)
Bachelor of Computer Science (School of Computer Science and Engineering)(Minor)
Illustration & Visual Narrative / Exercises


Week 1: Introduction

Our first lecture began with a brief introduction and software that will be implemented by friendly lecturers, Ms.Noranis and Mr. Kannan. This module is focus on creating visual concepts from students' ideas and pictorial communication to an audience in the form of illustrations. In order to do so, we need to complete exercises about character design, poster, animated GIFs and motion comic. 

Week 2: Charater Design // Pear Chiaroscuro

  1. Principles of Character Design
    • Shapes
      • Sets the ICONIC LOOK

      • Fig 1.1 Aladdin Character's Design

    • Colour

      • different colours cause different emotions

      • Fig 1.2: Colour Study

    • Emphasis & Contrast
      • making the character outstanding & memorable

    • Harmony
      • every element used must put together in tasteful manner. (VISUAL HIERARCHY)

    • Expressions/Poses

  2. Pear Chiaroscuro
Fig 1.3: Pear Provided

Fig. 1.4: Pear Chiaroscuro

Week 3: Visual Techniques (1) // 
Pear Chiaroscuro

1. Visual Techniques - Chiaroscuro
    • use light & dark to create illusion of 3D volume on a flat surface.
    • Reason used
      • Fig 1.5: Uses of Chiaroscuro

        Fig 1.6: Other Usage of Chiaroscuro

2. Visual Techniques - Composition (1) 

    • Types of Shots/ Compositions 
      • Fig 1.7: Types of Shots

      • Establishing
        • establish the audience where the story happen.
      • Bird's Eyeview
        • place audience on top.
      • "Framing" 
        • surround focal point.
        • to create different mood & setting.
      • Medium Shot
        • focal point is always big & visible.
      • Close-Up
        • focal point is always bigger & more visible.
      • Worm's Eye-view
        • place audience on ground. 
        • forcing audience to look at focal point. (forced perspective)
    • Composition Rule 1
      • balanced distribution of Positive Spaces VS Negative Spaces (Chiaroscuro)

3. Adding Texture to Pear Chiaroscuro
    • Clipping Mask
      • Fig 1.8: Pear with grunge texture

    • Swatches
      • Fig 1.9: Swatches (Morandi)

Week 4: Visual Techniques (2) // Useful Illustrator Tool

1. Visual Techniques - Composition (2)
  • Perspectives
    • to create DEPTH 
    • create a 3D optical illusion from a 2D surface
    • as long as mimic "3Dimensions", sense of DEPTH is created
    • Types of Perspectives
      • 1 point
      • 2 point
      • 3 point
      • 4-5 point (fisheye)
Fig 1.10: Types of Perspectives

Fig 1.11: Common Perspectives


    2. Useful Illustrator Tool 
    • Pen Tool & Gradient
      • Fig 1.12: Demonstration by Mr Kannan (1)

    • Pathfinder / Shape Builder Tool / Width Tool
      • Fig 1.13: Demonstration by Mr Kannan (2)

    • Swatches / Pattern
      • Fig 1.14: Demonstration by Mr Kannan (3)

      • Fig 1.15: Demonstration by Mr Kannan (4)


    <iframe src="" width="640" height="480"></iframe>


    Exercise 1 - VOMATOR CHALLENGE 

    Vormator is the ultimate challenge of creativity and we are given an opportunity to show our abilities to create a stunning piece with limited means. We were given 8 shapes which were showed below.

    Fig 2.1: Vormator Shapes

    I have designed a character which is a hybrid of Dragon and Snake. By stereotyping people infer a dragon should have a frightening appearance and snake should be a kind of malevolent animal. In my opinion, these creatures could be cute too! Therefore, "Snagon" was here.

    Fig 2.2: Vormator Designed
    Fig 2.3: Illustration of Snagon 
    Fig 2.4: Snagon (Edited)
    Fig 2.5: Snagon Edited (Coloured)

    Exercise 2 - Vector landscape illustration

    This exercise is all about vormator character background and card layout design. For background, we need to create a landscape illustration out of vector shapes for our monsters. The theme and colour scheme of landscape is not restricted. After that, we can create our own game card.

    A landscape of mountain surrounded by cloud for Snagon because it loves riding on wind.

    Fig 2.6: Sketches of Background

    Fig 2.7: Finalize Landscape

    Fig 2.8: Game Card Designed


    Week 1: 
    No feedback received.

    Week 2: 
    No feedback received.

    Week 3: 
    Ms Anis has commented on my character designed and pear chiaroscuro. She suggested me to add some designed to Snagon's head so it wont be too flat and said my pear and snagon were interesting :D.

    Week 4:
    No feedback received.


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